The surprise was a success - we were able to put a smile on the faces of the children in Dmytrivka.
We would like to thank all donors and helpers who supported and made this campaign possible.
Two kindergartens were visited.
Visit to the first kindergarten

What could be in there?
There was a disciplined wait for the gifts to be handed out.
First, the teachers were given a Christmas Stollen.
The distribution begins.
The children proudly accept the presents.
The mayor helps with opening.
Opening gifts in the group.
You can always use balls.
The premises.
Visit to the second kindergarten
Presentation of a Christmas Stollen to the leader.
After the Christmas Stollen was handed out, the distribution of gifts began.
Tense waiting.
After the gifts were distributed, the group returned to the painting class
The premises.
The war is constantly visible even for the children
In addition to a splinter protection, there is now a bunker in which the children have to stay in the event of an alarm.